101- serie lineære posisjonssensorer

101-serien er lineære induktive posisjonsensorer med høy nøyaktighet og robusthet designet for bruk i alle industrielle og vitenskapelige applikasjoner. Lengde opp til 800mm. Ulike sertifiseringer tilgjengelig P101 Standard - X101 ATEX /IECEX (gass/damp) - E101 ATEX/IECEX (støv) - M101 ATEX/IECEX (gruve) - G101 CSA (gass/damp)

Highly compact and space-efficient, being responsive along almost its entire length
Linear output proportional to displacement
Each unit is supplied with the output calibrated to the travel required from 0-5mm to 0-800mm and with full EMC protection built in
The sensor is very robust, the body and push rod being made of stainless steel for long service life and environmental resistance
Overall performance, repeatability and stability are outstanding over a wide temperature range
The sensor is easy to install with mounting options including M5 rod eye bearings and body clamps
The push rod can be supplied free or captive, with female M5 thread, an M5 rod eye, or dome end
Captive push rods can be sprung loaded, in either direction, on sensors up to 300mm of travel
Environmental sealing is to IP65 or IP67, depending on selected cable or connector options.