The Crank-Case Protection System (CPS) is designed for monitoring of bearings of 4-stroke Diesel engines. A thermoelectric measurement between the rotating shaft (e.g. via brushes) and the engine block is transformed into a signal (CPS signal) designated for engine condition monitoring.
The basic principle of the system is to measure the thermos-voltage produced by a steel crankshaft when it slides on the metal surface of its bearing shells.
The CPS signal provides information, at an early stage, about upcoming damages caused by friction, especially of bearings. Operators get informed through the display about the condition. Thus, it helps to diagnose failures in those moving parts at early stages, preventing the engine from serious damages.
The system is, in parallel, connected to the AMS system - by pre-alarm and main-alarm relay outputs.
Veivehus beskyttelse system CPS
Crankhouse Protection System (CPS) er utviklet for overvåking av lagrene av 4-takts dieselmotorer. En termoelektrisk måling mellom den roterende aksel (for eksempel via børster) og motorblokken er forvandlet til et signal (CPS signal) som en betegnelse for motorens tilstands.